Rock and Roll!

I think I may have mentioned numerous times in past posts my affection for independent rock n roll. My main source for indie is the Rock and Roll Report podcast, which is available to download for free in the Zune Marketplace and the iTunes podcast directory, or online at (the website is under maintenance so the podcasts are not up now, though) Anyway, if you are looking to get in to indie, here's a list of bands you might wanna look up on Google:
1.Ashtray (Montreal)
2.Riverboat Gamblers
3.Dirt Road Logic (Michigan)
4.Vinyl Hero (Montreal)
5.Renegade Ride (Helsinki)
6.The Shazam
and that's about all that comes to mind for now, but I'll try to post more later.
Have fun!


An anonymous apple artist at an orchard in Rockland County, New York

An anonymous apple artist at an orchard in Rockland County, New York