Slideshow Pictures

I have taken many little trips, and gathered many pictures, too many to put all of them on this blog. I am positive I will be taking more pictures in the future, and will post the best ones.

Blogging in General

Wow this blogging thing is actually getting somewhere. I really thought only two people would view it, one of them being me. Since I've used alpha inventions, though, I've been getting viewers from all over the world- Lithuania, Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, even Singapore. It's really interesting to see:,ALL_TIME

About The New Author- Bella

Well, I'm Bella, the new author here at the Some Stuff/Rants blog. I also run the Random List Blog, if anyone cares. I find it kind of cool to have a blog, since you can just (virtually!) jot down your ideas on a certain topic or on any random topic. I'm out of thoughts, so this is it. -Anonymous Oh So Mysterious One syas: Im the original one-and the more interesting one on this blog

More Remarkable Pictures III

A pretty fish at the NY Aquarium.

 A jellyfish jumping for joy.

The crowds at Brighton Beach, NY on a sunny summer day.

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More Remarkable Pictures II

A fish at the New York Aquarium in Coney Island, Brooklyn.

A flourescent fish at the New York Aquarium.

A fish strolling by at the NY Aquarium.

A school of fish at the NY Aquarium.
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Pictures I Took (More Remarkable Ones)

         The view of the famous Statue of Liberty from a Staten Island Ferry boat.

Flowers in front of our house in Brooklyn,NY.

A jellyfish at the New York Aquarium in Coney Island, Brooklyn.

A fish at the New York Aquarium.
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These pictures prove there is some beauty in the urban metropolis of Brooklyn, NY.

Another Private Indie Fest Tonight

alright for most of whts important just read the title also we're goin to trader joes tomorrow and im totally stealing stevia extract and organic sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Private Indie Fest Tonight!!!

Really only one person is participating in it-me. I usually play pretty cool songs though- which is enough for me

Floppy's book criticism

My sister is writing a book. Here's my "constructive" criticism for it:
1. She didn't change our last name- she's trying to make it sound all ordinary but not many ppl have the same last name as us.
2. It sort of sounds like an adult's writing it-which isn't bad-except for the fact that it doesnt sound like its coming from the heart of the child.
3. So far it seems like there's not gonna be much suspense, thrill, action, or real problem. It just sounds like every other extremely boring kids' book with stuff like "I have a problem-this bully at school takes my lunch money"-or friends fighting or a bad teacher- or for the slutty overgrown middle schooler books- "I don't have a boyfriend or I can't find the right makeup." So yeah I really don't see how there's going to be a real conflict.
4. There's not much creativity infused in it, especially since it seems to be solely based on the author's life. Now I will read a memoir if you make it interesting. But it's really not interesting.

As far as the pros, it was fairly well written for someone of her age.
-to Floppy, you must not get upset at me for saying this. If you're really going to try to publish it, you have to be able to take criticism-potential publishers will probably be a lot tougher then me.

Check out these boots: I just got them.

Very Hilarious Very True

This is just so true and quite funny.

Very Funny

Noun 1. piss - liquid excretory product; "there was blood in his urine"; "the child had to make water"
pee, piddle, urine, weewee, water
body waste, excrement, excreta, excretory product, excretion - waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body
2. piss - informal terms for urination; "he took a pee"
peeing, pissing, pee
dirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth - an offensive or indecent word or phrase
micturition, urination - the discharge of urine
Verb 1. piss - eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
make water, micturate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, wee, wee-wee, urinate, piddle, puddle, make
urinate - pass after the manner of urine; "The sick men urinated blood"
wet - make one's bed or clothes wet by urinating; "This eight year old boy still wets his bed"
stale - urinate, of cattle and horses
egest, excrete, eliminate, pass - eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone"
ca-ca, crap, defecate, take a crap, take a shit, shit, stool, make - have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds"

Really Good Song

Alright I dunno if youve heard of them but there is this quite amazing grunge band called Temple of the Dog, which was, from what I understand, some sort of temporary merger of Pearl Jam and Soundgarden in honor of a deceased friend. Anyway they are amazing. Two of my favorite songs by them are Four Walled World and Pushin Forward Back. I suggest that you listen to them they really are a great band. Just keep in mind that they have a heavy sound (I always get screamed at for playing hard songs "loud") Look them up on youtube, or look up Lekter, who posts videos of a lot of their songs. If you like it and would like to find more music like them Id suggest joining Pandora or listening to Pearl Jam or Soundgarden.

Happy Fourth of July!

Yeah you read the title.Today is the anniversary of our independence. As you can see I made some changes to the blog. I changed it from that fire thing, just to make it a bit less extreme and a little more colorful. Additionally I love that picture that is now my background. I also loved the fire picture though.Floppy please comment on my changes

July 1st-Already????

Come on why does summer have to go so fast? I remember my last day of school, June 17. I remember my friend coming over and painting my nails that dark sapphire blue color that matches my eyes, and then we went to Olive Garden. Hmm.......time goes by so fast. If you think about, it time is really amazing.Well I'll let you think about it. Floppy, stop weirding or I am going to post what weirding is.

Rant #1-Or is it number 15 million

I hate when you go on a music site and on the artist list it says a bunch 0f crappy people like Lady Gaga and well you get the idea. You might as well make a separate list for people/creatures like Lady Gaga titled Computers. They are NOT artists, I am not even sure if they are human. Okay thats it for Rant #1, surprisingly it betrays its name and was barely even a rant.

Too Hard to Name

So today I saw American Idiot the musical. Yes, there was humping. The people were very talented and the play was very fun, evn though many parts of the story were supposed to be sad. After you get to sign your name on the wall. Ok while im writing this I am listening to Pandora. I never really used it before but its really great for discovering new music. After I had a burger and really good crispy fries, not that anyone cares. After I got home I went for a walk around my neighborhood. This dude tried to offer me some weirdo paper he was sticking in everyones car windshield. I made this go to hell face at him and he gave up. Loser. But anyway I looked at the paper in peoples windshield and it was something against the Roman Catholic church.Then I came home and found this weird thing from some christian pastor dude. I looked up his name and found out that hes a cult leader and a sex offender and he marries children. Literally.and he talks about moral "decay".Psycho

Comment on Certain Musical Tastes/Anyone Know Good Rock Songs?

So Im trying to find a song that has a classic rock/rock n roll sound to listen to(no to pee on). Or a hard rock or bassy ROCK song. And floppy you better not comment with your katy perry or dustin shiteiber crap. Floppy please comment on my blogs. sorry bellagbella whatsername. Oh also im gonna see the american idiot musical comment anyone know about that.
Oh if anyone knows about friendship bracelets for some reason i keep screwing up the chevron step. any suggestions?

How Boring My first Blog

well its summer (my favorite season) and today I, the Anonymous Great One, will , on this glorious and beautiful day of June 28, 2010,will post my first blog. Ok just kidding its not really beautiful here in Brooklyn. In fact its kinda stormy and gray looking and its drizzling. it feels like sunday not monday though. i might as well right something worthwhile so the first thing im gonna say is that i found this very cool ad about bookmarklets, which are kind of like little apps saved as a link or as bookmarks. They often make browsing more convenient by saving you from having to go to a website to do a quick thing, etc. Go on and type in bookmarklets in the searchbar, then click the 1st result. Unfortunately the most interesting one (at least to me), Grooveselect, doesnt work for me! WARNING: IF YOURE READING THIS BELLA YOU BETTER NOT SAY IT OUT LOUD OR TELL ANYONE OR I WILL UNFOLLOW YOU!!!! AND TAKE UR HEAD!!!!!!
Supposedly on July 4th there is going to be some sort of Justin Bieber bashing on youtube, which, if u ask me, sounds fun as hell, yet lame. I might do it, though, what can be so bad?

An anonymous apple artist at an orchard in Rockland County, New York

An anonymous apple artist at an orchard in Rockland County, New York